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How to parse N3 in RDFlib

I am trying to convert a file into XML using the N3 parser in RDFlib but I am not sure if I am doing it right or even if I have the n3 plugin installed. This is what I have so far:

import rdflib
from rdflib import URIRef, Graph, Namespace
from rdflib.plugins.parsers.notation3 import N3Parser

g = Graph()
result = g.parse(file=open("lemon_example_fear.txt", "r"), format="application/n3")
print (g.serialize(format='xml'))

This is not working but if I was to reverse the order with a working XML file it works fine

This is the error I get:

rdflib.plugin.PluginException: No plugin registered for (application/n3, <class 'rdflib.parser.Parser'>)

If anyone has a link to where to download the n3 plugin or just fix what I am doing wrong it would be great!

I am currently Running RDFlib 4.0.1 so it should be included shouldn't it?


  • According to this answer to another one of your questions (in particular, check the list of available parsers link), the format argument would be n3, not application/n3. If you do need to use the MIME type for the argument, the N3 spec says that the MIME type should be text/n3, not application/n3.