I am attempting to insert some form data into an SQL database with parameterized queries in vbscript in classic asp (I have no experience with asp). I have tried several variations for declaring my parameters but everything is throwing an error.
ADODB.Command error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another
The table in my database won't allow a null for the ApplicationId field and is type int. The TimeStamp column is datetime. All the other fields are varchar(MAX)
Here is the more recent variation of my code please let me know if you can spot any errors etc
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Mode = 3
conn.open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,xxxx;database=db_example;uid=user;pwd=password;"
Dim oCmd
set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Dim sSQL
sSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Application (ApplicationNumber, Expenses, Name, Why) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);"
oCmd.CommandText = sSQL
oCmd.ActiveConnection= conn
Dim param1
Set param1 = oCmd.CreateParameter("ApplicationNumber",adInteger,adParamInput)
param1.value = session.sessionId
oCmd.Parameters.Append param1
have tried assigning the value both before and after the Append
Dim param2
Set param2 = oCmd.CreateParameter("Expenses",adChar,adParamInput,255)
param2.value = session("Expenses")
oCmd.Parameters.Append param2
Dim param3
Set param3 = oCmd.CreateParameter("Name",adChar,adParamInput,255)
param3.value = session("Name")
oCmd.Parameters.Append param3
Dim param4
Set param4 = oCmd.CreateParameter("Why",adChar,adParamInput,255)
param4.value = session("Why")
oCmd.Parameters.Append param4
Dim oRS
Set oRS = oCmd.Execute()
also, the site was hacked so that is why I am rewriting the code with parameterized queries. Here is the original code which worked (but allowed for injection) in case I need to use the recordset or something
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Mode = 3
conn.open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,xxxx;database=db_example;uid=user;pwd=password;"
set rsAddEvent = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
rsAddEvent.open "tbl_Application", conn, 2, 3
rsAddEvent("ApplicationNumber") = session.sessionId
rsAddEvent("TimeStamp") = now()
rsAddEvent("Applicant") = session("Applicant")
rsAddEvent("Email") = session("Email")
rsAddEvent("Pet") = session("Pet")
rsAddEvent("Address") = session("Address")
rsAddEvent("Postal") = session("Postal")
rsAddEvent("HomePhone") = session("HomePhone")
rsAddEvent("WorkPhone") = session("WorkPhone")
rsAddEvent("Employed") = session("Employed")
rsAddEvent("Employer") = session("Employer")
rsAddEvent("Unemployment") = session("Unemployment")
rsAddEvent("FormerEmployer") = session("FormerEmployer")
rsAddEvent("Dependants") = session("Dependants")
rsAddEvent("Income") = session("Income")
rsAddEvent("OtherIncome") = session("OtherIncome")
rsAddEvent("Funds") = session("Funds")
rsAddEvent("Circumstance") = session("Circumstance")
rsAddEvent("Afford") = session("Afford")
rsAddEvent("Spent") = session("Spent")
rsAddEvent("Expenses") = session("Expenses")
rsAddEvent("Name") = session("Name")
rsAddEvent("Email") = session("Email")
rsAddEvent("Why") = session("Why")
Thanks so much for reading through this
I think you forgot to include adovbs.inc
, and thus the ADO constants such as adChar
arent recognized.
Try put this at the top of your ASP page:
<!--#include virtual="/adovbs.inc"-->
If that doesn't work, see this here which explains how to set up the inc file: