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What goes where? node.js, express, dojo, JQuery

I'm not from web-development or high-level languages, and don't understand how some parts of web-development stack fit together. I'm researching possible stack configurations, and after some poking around have decided HTML5/CSS/JS on front, with node.js running on server. Makes it easy for me to just have to learn JS.

Looking at some web-application frameworks, Express seems to be very highly touted and sits right on top of node.js -> hence I want to go with Express.

After some more poking around, I find Dojo. Honestly, I don't see where Dojo "fits" into all this. The lines are blurring for me, and I can't tell if Dojo is an alternative to Express, something to supplement Express, or something else entirely. I think Dojo is an alternative to JQuery (correct me if I'm wrong)

Can I get a quick clarification?

node.js : event based I/O framework leveraging Google's V8 engine.

Express: minimilistic web-application framework for node.js.

Dojo: open-source modular JS library toolkit for rapid devel of JS/AJAX cross platform JS websites


  • Don't get server-side JS and client-side JS confused. Application Server and Application Server Library are serverside, the rest are clientside. However, since you're using node, it is possible for client-side javascript libraries to also have server-side capabilities if included as serverside code and if supported by the library.

    Application Server -> Application Server Library/Framework -> HTML/CSS/JS -> HTML/CSS/JS Libraries
    Node.js            -> Express                              -> HTML/CSS/JS -> Dojo, Jquery, Boostrap, etc

    Or another way:

    Application server:
    Application Server Library/Framework(s):

    Client-side Libraries/Framework(s):
    jQuery Dojo Bootstrap etc