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How to compute features using DAISY feature extractor?

I am wondering if somebody has used DAISY features for object recognition problems?

Link to DAISY (MATLAB one) is:

My question is how to use this software (MATLAB) to get keypoints and their descriptors? I can found out the descriptors (in dzy.descs), however I cannot found keypoints.

I want to give a try to this technique for object recognition, since, it has been written that it is computation fast and produce better result.

Thanks a lot.


  • DAISY is designed for dense point matching, which means it computes a descriptor for every pixel in the image - that's what it is designed to do. You could just retrieve the features for particular pixels in the image using the display_descriptor function as described in the documentation:

    out = display_descriptor(dzy,y,x);

    where x and y are the pixel co-ordinates. You could then use a keypoint detector of your own (e.g. corners, blobs, SIFT keypoints - see Blob Detection on Wikipedia) to decide which features to extract. You should bear in mind however that this is not the intended use of DAISY.