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Git clone verbose mode – show each incoming object

I’m wondering that git clone --verbose is not very verbose. The output of executing the command is the following:

$ git clone --verbose <repo>
remote: Counting objects: 184, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (184/184)
remote: Total 184 (delta 66), reused 183 (delta 66)
Receiving objects: 100% (184/184), 18.90 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (66/66), done. 

The expected behaviour is to see the list of the received objects one by one. Is that possible using some other options?


  • It is not possible to list objects (files, commits, blobs, whatever) one-by-one, simply because git packs them in a single file for efficiency reasons. For the same reason, you will only see a hidden .git folder while cloning, files will be created only if the full pack file has been downloaded.

    If you are wondering, these pack files will be downloaded to .git/objects/pack/ with a name like tmp_pack_XXXXXX. (later on, it will be renamed to something like pack-*.pack with a related pack-*.idx file)