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Compare two character vectors in R

I have two character vectors of IDs.

I would like to compare the two character vectors, in particular I am interested in the following figures:

  • How many IDs are both in A and B
  • How many IDs are in A but not in B
  • How many IDs are in B but not in A

I would also love to draw a Venn diagram.


  • Here are some basics to try out:

    > A = c("Dog", "Cat", "Mouse")
    > B = c("Tiger","Lion","Cat")
    > A %in% B
    > intersect(A,B)
    [1] "Cat"
    > setdiff(A,B)
    [1] "Dog"   "Mouse"
    > setdiff(B,A)
    [1] "Tiger" "Lion" 

    Similarly, you could get counts simply as:

    > length(intersect(A,B))
    [1] 1
    > length(setdiff(A,B))
    [1] 2
    > length(setdiff(B,A))
    [1] 2