I'm using ZXing to decode my qr codes, it works fine on development, but on production after deploy it just works for five minutes or so and only if I restart the server, after that it just doesn't work, going through the log, this is what comes out:
ActionView::Template::Error (druby:// - #<Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2)>):
1: <% provide(:title, "Updating...") %>
2: <input />
3: <% if (ZXing.decode "public/assets/#{current_user.user_name.downcase}_bdd.jpg").nil? %>
4: <% flash.now[:notice] = "BDD invalid, change it!" %>
5: <div class="actions_cambiar_bdd">
I don't know what is going on, looking at it, I think that it cannot works its way out to my server that's why the connection refused, but the weird thing is that it works fine for a couple of minutes after the server is restarted, after that, nothing, I hope anyone can help me out. Thanks for your time.
EDIT: Apparently after a while the port gets blocked or busy, i guess that is something to do with how zxing manage the port assign, here are some files of it:
require 'socket'
require 'drb'
module ZXing
BIN = File.expand_path('../../../bin/zxing', __FILE__)
class Client
def self.new
port = ENV['ZXING_PORT'] || find_available_port
setup_drb_server(port) unless ENV['ZXING_PORT'] && responsive?(port)
def self.setup_drb_server(port)
remote_client = IO.popen("#{ZXing::BIN} #{port}")
sleep 0.5 until responsive?(port)
at_exit { Process.kill(:INT, remote_client.pid) }
def self.responsive?(port)
socket = TCPSocket.open('', port)
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
socket.close if socket
def self.find_available_port
server = TCPServer.new('', 0)
server.close if server
I kind of get answered on github by one of the guys in the zxing project:
Shortly he gave me the advice to export from my code the ZXING_PORT const, but it did not solve it, the number on the ZXING_PORT gets the same treatment, it works for a couple of minutes, and then the same mistake, only this time with the ZXING_PORT
ActionView::Template::Error (druby:// - #<Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2)>):
I'm considering the options to either somehow "reserve" the port or socket so no process can take it or find a way to reload the gem on the production environment on every request.
Which option should i take? Which one is the more appropied or the more plausible?
Ok, so i finally got it to work, i put the code on boot.rb, just before the gems are loaded
require 'rubygems'
# Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
ENV['PORT_NUMBER'] = "4333"
ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)
require 'bundler/setup' if File.exists?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])