is it possible to use boost::iostreams for more complex / structured types?
What I want to do is to stream images but they should have some annotations like width, height, color depth,... My first idea is to use a struct instead of an char or an wchar
namespace io = boost::iostreams;
struct SingleImageStream{
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
unsigned char colordepth;
unsigned char* frame;
class SingleImageSource {
typedef struct SingleImageStream char_type;
typedef io::source_tag category;
std::streamsize read(struct SingleImageStream* s, std::streamsize n)
char* frame = new char[640*480];
std::fill( frame, frame + sizeof( frame ), 0 );
s->width = 640;
s->height = 480;
std::copy(frame, frame + sizeof(frame), s->frame);
return -1;
class SingleImageSink {
typedef struct SingleImageStream char_type;
typedef io::sink_tag category;
std::streamsize write(const struct SingleImageStream* s, std::streamsize n)
std::cout << "Frame width : " << s->width << " frame height : " << s->height << std::endl;
return n;
My problem now is how could I connect source and sink?
Boost.Iostreams seems to be the wrong tool for the job here.
The goal of the source and sink mechanism is to allow you to specify where data gets serialized to - for example whether you want to write to a file, a location in memory or an i/o port.
What you want to specify is how a certain kind of data gets serialized. The correct tool in Boost for this would be Boost.Serialization.