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How to use jsTree events with AngularJS

I load my tree successfully using a directive in AngularJS.Now i want to add events (here select node) in my tree, so i did like this. but i can't see my alert .

My code:

app.directive('jstree', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
     scope: {
          jstree: '='

link: function(scope, element, attrs) 
       scope.$watch('jstree', function() 


                          "json_data" :{

                           "themes" : {
                                     "theme" : "classic",
                                      "dots" : true,
                                     "icons" : true
                            "plugins" : [ "themes", "json_data" ]
                        }, false); 
            }, true);

            // select a node
            element.bind("select_node.jstree",function(e, data) {



Any idea were i went wrong ?


  • To use events in jstree, you have to add "ui" in this line :

    "plugins" : [ "themes", "json_data", "ui" ]

    Now it works.