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requireJS and AMD module/folder organisation

Can someone give me advice on organising files in RequireJs, I am looking for the best practice way of doing it that will allow the most flexibility in the future.

my current folder structure is as below. I come from a java background that is why I have called them classes (I am aware that they are objects not classes), I am willing to change this given a better suggestion.

    > startup.js
    > class
        > FromAddress.js
        > ToAddress.js
        > ...
    > common
        > class
            > Address.js
            > UrlResolver.js
            > ...
    > lib
        > ...
    > page
        > home.js
        > sitemap.js
        > ...

/scripts/startup.js contains the requirejs configuration script and loads the appropriate main script from the /scripts/page folder

/scripts/class contains application specific classes

/scripts/common/class contains classes that could be shared with another projects (they will eventually reside in a separate project and be injected somehow)

/scripts/lib contains javascript 3rd party libraries

/scripts/page equivalent to main.js from the documentation, basically the startup script for each page in the application.


  • I found which is really good.