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Play Framework 2 scala specs2 mockito, how do I write a mocking unit test

So the play framework talks about having specs2 and specs2 having mockito

I want to use mockito to write a test where the template that the controller invokes is a mockito mock.

All the doc's I've found so far are java implementations where you call the mock static function and give it the Mocked class as a generics argument.

From what I can tell the mock function is not exposed by default within a specification, so how do I create a mockito mock?

Please give an example that includes both creating the mock, and asserting the mock is called with certain arguments


  • After a lot of googling and hair pulling I came up with the following

    package test
    import org.specs2.mutable._
    import play.api.test._
    import play.api.test.Helpers._
    import org.specs2.mock._
    import org.mockito.Matchers
    class ToTest {
      def go(a:String) = {
    class MockSpec extends Specification with Mockito {
      "Mock" should {
          "work" in {
            val m = mock[ToTest]
            m.go(anyString) returns "tested"
            val result = m.go("test")
            result must equalTo("tested")
            there was one(m).go(Matchers.eq("test"))