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Setting width/height for subscriber div elements via properties

One can set width/height for the publisher div element via properties:

However, it's not possible to do the same for the other streams. The properties don't have width/height:

Even if set via CSS, they'll be overwritten.

For example, how can one make an app like facetime where subscribed video stream is much larger than the publisher stream?


  • You can set the subscriber div's height and width by passing an object with a width and height attribute to the session.subscribe function:

    session.subscribe(stream, divid, {width: 320, height: 240});

    You could also style it with CSS by using a parent container and setting the subscriber's width/height to 100%:

    session.subscribe(stream, divid, {width: "100%", height: "100%"});

    Here's an example of making a large subscriber that might help you.