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Batch: Trying to get a command to execute at a specific amount of seconds

This works for hours, running in a loop as soon as it hits 13 hours it executes.


echo %time%
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a IN ("$0%time:~0,2%") DO SET /a HH=%%b
IF %HH% equ 13 goto success
goto time

echo success finally
goto time

but if I run this for seconds in a loop for it to execute at 13 seconds it just keeps running in a loop and doesn't execute the command.


echo %time%
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a IN ("$0%time:~5,2%") DO SET /a SS=%%b
IF %SS% equ 13 goto success
goto time

echo success finally
goto time

This Doesn't Work either

FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a IN ("$0%time:~6,2%") DO SET /a SS=%%b

I need this to execute at any specified amount of seconds. So that instead of for instance executing at 13:00:00.00. I can get it to execute at 13:00:13.00 or something like that.


  • Needs to be a 6 not a 5 for the offset.


    It does not have to be complex. This works, but unless you provide more details as to what you are trying to accomplish we cannot provide the best help.

    echo %time%
    IF %time:~6,2% equ 13 goto success
    goto time

    Note that using the time environment variable is user locale specific.

    Use something like for no locale format time.

    wmic path win32_operatingsystem get LocalDateTime