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SecurityException when enumerating V1 tasks and displaying tasks' info using a DataGrid

I'm using Task Scheduler Managed Wrapper from Codeplex. I am facing a weird issue. I am trying to enumerate tasks in multiple remote servers (V1 and V2) and then display the tasks in a datagrid. This issue happens when I am connecting to a V1 server (using forceV1=true). The enumeration works fine - the data is passed to the grid even. But as soon as I move my cursor over the grid, I get a SecurityException saying 'Requested registry access is not allowed.' Does anyone know what's going on?

public partial class MainWindow : Window
  public MainWindow()
    String osVer;
    using (var reg = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "deves07"))
    using (var key = reg.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\"))
      osVer = string.Format("Name:{0}, Version:{1}", key.GetValue("ProductName"), key.GetValue("CurrentVersion"));
    TaskService ts;
    if (osVer.Contains("2003"))
      ts = new TaskService("REMOTE", "username", "domain", "password", true);
      ts = new TaskService("REMOTE", "username", "domain", "password");
    List<TaskInfo> taskList = new List<TaskInfo>();
    EnumFolderTasks(ts.RootFolder, taskList);
    DataContext = taskList;

  void EnumFolderTasks(TaskFolder fld, List<TaskInfo> taskLst)
    foreach (Task task in fld.Tasks)
    foreach (TaskFolder sfld in fld.SubFolders)
      EnumFolderTasks(sfld, taskLst);

  TaskInfo ActOnTask(Task t)
    TaskInfo taskInfo = new TaskInfo();
    taskInfo.Name = t.Name;
    taskInfo.isRunning = t.IsActive;
    taskInfo.NextRunTime = t.NextRunTime;
    taskInfo.LastRunTime = t.LastRunTime;
    //taskInfo.LastRunStatus = t.LastTaskResult;
    return taskInfo;


public class TaskInfo
  public string Name { set; get; }
  public bool isRunning { set; get; }
  public DateTime NextRunTime { set; get; }
  public DateTime LastRunTime { set; get; }
  public int LastRunStatus { set; get; }


  • This is courtesy of dahall over at codeplex (Thanks a lot dahall)

    First, try putting brackets in around the scope of your first using statement. You can also do the same with the TaskService instance. You could do this by doing:

    List<TaskInfo> taskList = new List<TaskInfo>();
    using (TaskService ts = new TaskService(REMOTE", "username", "domain", "password", osVer.Contains("2003")))
        EnumFolderTasks(ts.RootFolder, taskList);
    DataContext = taskList;

    I am not sure why this happens only for the V1 calls, but this did solve my problem.