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SELECTing user with earliest time and joining with other data

I have an Oracle database where I'm trying to select a user field from the earliest row (based on a time field) where certain conditions are met, and I don't know how to do it. Here's the gist of my query:

       CASE WHEN value = 'xyz'
            THEN 'Pending'
            ELSE 'Not Pending'
       END AS status,
FROM table1
WHERE subject IN (...) AND
      field = 'Status'

My problem is I don't know how to SELECT user and get only the value from the row with the earliest time value matching the WHERE conditions. I don't think I can use HAVING since I'm not doing any aggregate functions in my SELECT. The 'earliest time value' condition needs to apply only to the selection of the user field, i.e. I want id and value to be selected for all values of the time field.

I was thinking I could keep the SELECT statement I have above and then JOIN with another SELECT statement that gets the particular user I want.

SELECT id, status, time, user
       ...query above...
       SELECT user
       FROM table1
       WHERE subject in (...) AND
             field = 'Status' AND
             ROWNUM = 1
       ORDER BY time ASC

However, this only gets one value for user overall, and there should be a separate user value for each id SELECTed in my first query. How do I limit my SELECT user query by the other query's id field? Is this even the right approach to get what I want?


  • SELECT  id,
            CASE WHEN value = 'xyz'
                 THEN 'Pending'
                 ELSE 'Not Pending'
            END AS status,
            FIRST_VALUE(user) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY time) AS first_user
    FROM    table1
    WHERE   subject IN (...) AND
            field = 'Status'