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Need to decode 16-bit unsigned big-endian bytes into integers in Haskell

Is there a simple function I can copy and paste to make this conversion? The Ruby equivalent would be



  • Use the cereal or binary package, decode into a 16 bit unsigned int (Word16) then convert that value to a full Integer:

    import Data.Serialize
    someFunction = ...
        let intVal = runGet (fromIntegral `fmap` getWord16be) bytes


    As with any monad in haskell, you can use higher level function such as replciateM along with the above code to get a list of int values (untested code follows):

    import Data.Serialize
    someFunction = ...
        let intVals = runGet (do n <- get
                                 replicateM n (fromIntegral `fmap` getWord16be)) bs