I have code that does a good job of centering html inside one page on abcpdf. This was provided to me from websupergoo company that created abcpdf. However, my application pool keeps shutting down, and I believe its a performance issue. I even have caching enabled. Is there anyway to optimize this code. Basically what is happening is the code makes calls to a html page, and figures out the boundary dimensions to set the browser width so it can fit within the pdf dimensions. Doing this makes calls over and over to a html page, but I was told if its cached it wouldn't make an actual request but read the cache. There just has to be a easier way to do this since it does take a while to render. This issue seems to happen when multiple requests to a url that uses abcpdf at once.
using (var doc = new Doc())
doc.HtmlOptions.Timeout = 60000;
doc.HtmlOptions.PageCacheEnabled = true;
doc.HtmlOptions.PageCacheExpiry = 600000;
doc.HtmlOptions.Engine = Engine;
doc.Rect.Inset(PageInsetHorizontal, PageInsetVertical);
doc.Color.String = "255, 255, 255";
const double heightTolerance = 18; // in points, the max allowed space at the bottom
const int widthIncrement = 96; // in pixels, just an appropriate initial browser width increment
var tallWidth = 0; // the lower browser width
var wideWidth = 0; // the upper browser width
Debug.WriteLine("Adding Url: " + Url);
var id = doc.AddImageUrl(Url);
var scrollWidth = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ScrollWidth");
var contentWidth = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ContentWidth");
var toContentWidth = contentWidth - scrollWidth;
while (true)
var width = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ContentWidth");
var height = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ContentHeight");
Debug.WriteLine("Initial Content Width: " + width);
Debug.WriteLine("Initial Content Height: " + height);
var tooTall = false;
var docScrollWidth = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ScrollWidth");
Debug.WriteLine("Scroll Width: " + docScrollWidth);
if (docScrollWidth < scrollWidth)
scrollWidth = docScrollWidth;
contentWidth = scrollWidth + toContentWidth;
Debug.WriteLine("New Scroll Width: " + scrollWidth);
Debug.WriteLine("New Content Width: " + contentWidth);
Debug.WriteLine("Width: " + width);
if (width + 1 < contentWidth)
Debug.WriteLine("Too Tall: " + Url);
tooTall = true;
// assuming doc.Rect originally specifies the maximum bounding area
if (tooTall || doc.Rect.Width * height > doc.Rect.Height * width)
Debug.WriteLine("TOO TALL");
Debug.WriteLine("Delete Html: " + id);
// too tall
Debug.WriteLine("Browser Width: " + doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth);
if (doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth == 0)
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = Convert.ToInt32(height*doc.Rect.Width/doc.Rect.Height);
Debug.WriteLine("New BrowserWidth: " + doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth);
tallWidth = doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth;
Debug.WriteLine("Tall Width: " + tallWidth);
Debug.WriteLine("Wide Width: " + wideWidth);
if (wideWidth == 0)
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = tallWidth + widthIncrement;
Debug.WriteLine("New Browser Width: " + doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth);
else if (tallWidth + 1 < wideWidth)
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = (tallWidth + wideWidth)/2;
Debug.WriteLine("New Browser Width: " + doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth);
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = wideWidth;
Debug.WriteLine("New Browser Width: " + doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth);
Debug.WriteLine("Adding Url: " + Url);
Debug.WriteLine("Found Fit");
else if (doc.Rect.Width * height < (doc.Rect.Height - heightTolerance) * width)
Debug.WriteLine("TOO WIDE");
Debug.WriteLine("Browser Width: " + doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth);
// too wide
if (doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth == 0)
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = Convert.ToInt32(height * doc.Rect.Width / doc.Rect.Height);
Debug.WriteLine("New Browser Width: " + doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth);
wideWidth = doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth;
Debug.WriteLine("Tall Width: " + tallWidth);
Debug.WriteLine("Wide Width: " + wideWidth);
if (tallWidth == 0)
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = wideWidth >= 2 * widthIncrement ? wideWidth - widthIncrement : wideWidth / 2;
Debug.WriteLine("New Browser Width: " + doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth);
else if (tallWidth + 1 < wideWidth)
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = (tallWidth + wideWidth)/2;
Debug.WriteLine("New Browser Width: " + doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth);
Debug.WriteLine("Found Fit");
Debug.WriteLine("Delete Html: " + id);
Debug.WriteLine("Adding Url: " + Url);
id = doc.AddImageUrl(Url);
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
if (ms.CanSeek)
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return ms.GetBuffer();
I found some other code and I tweaked it and this seems to work great.
using (var doc = new Doc())
if (MakeLandscape)
var w = doc.MediaBox.Width;
var h = doc.MediaBox.Height;
var l = doc.MediaBox.Left;
var b = doc.MediaBox.Bottom;
doc.Transform.Rotate(90, l, b);
doc.Transform.Translate(w, 0);
doc.Rect.Width = h;
doc.Rect.Height = w;
doc.HtmlOptions.Timeout = 60000;
doc.HtmlOptions.PageCacheEnabled = EnableCache;
doc.HtmlOptions.PageCacheExpiry = 600000;
doc.HtmlOptions.Engine = Engine;
doc.Rect.Inset(PageInsetHorizontal, PageInsetVertical);
doc.Color.String = "255, 255, 255";
doc.HtmlOptions.Paged = false;
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = (MakeLandscape ? PageWidth + PageInsetHorizontal : PageHeight + PageInsetVertical) * Convert.ToInt32(doc.Rect.Width / doc.Rect.Height);
var id = doc.AddImageUrl(Url);
if (MakeLandscape)
var scrollWidth = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ScrollWidth");
var contentWidth = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ContentWidth");
if (scrollWidth > contentWidth)
var scrollHeight = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ScrollHeight");
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = Convert.ToInt32(scrollHeight * doc.Rect.Width / doc.Rect.Height);
id = doc.AddImageUrl(Url);
var scrollHeight = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ScrollHeight");
var contentHeight = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ContentHeight");
if (scrollHeight > contentHeight + (PageInsetVertical *2))
var scrollWidth = doc.GetInfoInt(id, "ScrollWidth");
doc.HtmlOptions.BrowserWidth = Convert.ToInt32(((double)scrollHeight / contentHeight) * scrollWidth);
id = doc.AddImageUrl(Url);
if (MakeLandscape)
doc.SetInfo(doc.GetInfoInt(doc.Root, "Pages"), "/Rotate", "90");
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
if (ms.CanSeek)
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return ms.GetBuffer();