When I run the below program, I get no return, however the program still runs forever until I end it. Can some one please exoplain to me why this would happen. I am trying to get this complex awk statement to work, however, have been very unsuccessful.
The code I am using for my Cshell is (its all on one line, but I split it here to make it easier to read):
awk '{split($2,b,""); counter = 1; while (counter < 13)
{if (b[counter] == 1 && "'$cmonth'" > counter)
{{printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year3'")}; counter++;
else if (b[counter] == 1 && "'$cmonth'" <= counter)
{{printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year2'")}; counter++;}
else echo "fail"}}' fileRead >> $year$month
The text file I am reading from looks like
fff 101010101010
yyy 100100100100
Here $year2
and $year3
represent counters that start from 1987 and go up 1 year for each line read.
is just a month counter from 1–12.
is just a ID.
The goal is for the program to read each line and print out the ID, month, and year if the position in the byte code is 1.
You have some mismatched curly braces, I have reformatted to one standard of indentation.
awk '{ \
split($2,b,""); counter = 1 \
while (counter < 13) { \
if (b[counter] == 1 && "'$cmonth'" > counter){ \
printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year3'") \
counter++ \
} \
else if (b[counter] == 1 && "'$cmonth'" <= counter) { \
printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year2'") \
counter++ \
} \
else print "fail" \
} # while \
}' fileRead >> $year$month
Also awk does'nt support echo
Make sure that the \
is the LAST char on the line (no space or tab chars!!!), or you'll get a syntax error.
Else, you can 'fold' up all of the lines into one line. adding the occasional ';' as needed.
OR you can take the previous version of this awk script (without the \
line continuation chars), put it in a file (without any of the elements outside of the ' ....'
(single quotes) and call it from awk as a file. You'll also need to made so you can pass the variables cmonth, letter, year2 and any others that I've missed.
awk -v letter="$letter" -v year2="$year2" -v month="$month" -f myScript fileRead >> $year$month
for example
printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year2'")
printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, letter,year2)