I am trying to show a tooltip when mouse hovers on a treeview node. But the tooltip is not showing up.
This is my code:
private void treeView1_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeNode selNode = (TreeNode)treeView1.GetNodeAt(Cursor.Position);
if (selNode != null)
if (selNode.Tag != null)
Product selProduct = selNode.Tag as Product;
if (selProduct != null)
toolTip1.SetToolTip(treeView1, selProduct.ProductName + "\n" + selProduct.ProductCategory.ToString());
What should I check for?
looks like the problem is in the
TreeNode selNode = (TreeNode)treeView1.GetNodeAt(Cursor.Position);
line, change it to
TreeNode selNode = (TreeNode)treeView1.GetNodeAt(treeView1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position));
and it should work; I would also recomd to look at the following article: How to add a ToolTip to a TreeNode in Visual C# for detalis on how to add tooltips to the treeview
hope this helps, regards