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Creating email alert workflow for SharePoint file libraries

I cannot use the alerts function on the SharePoint due to how the SharePoint permissions is updated in our system. I would change this if I could but I would have to completely redo SharePoint setup.

On to my question though.

A user wants me to make a workflow to send out an email alert when a document is uploaded or changed in SharePoint. I have searched for something that would do this but I have had no luck so far. I would appreciate any help.

I am attempting to make this workflow in SharePoint designer 2010 for a SharePoint 2010 site.


I have found the libraries that are not working have sub folders or have Create Major Versions activated in versioning settings. I am not sure why this breaks the email alerts but any advice would be appreciated.


The only libraries that are having issues now are the libraries with Create Major Versions activated in versioning settings.

I found the libraries with sub folders worked but the original libraries I was testing the three that were breaking 2 had no folders inside and the other did so I thought it might be an issue. I was incorrect so have eliminated that option.


  • In Sharepoint Designer select the library you want to add the workflow to.

    1. Click on "List Worklfow" on the ribbon

    2. Provide a Name for your workflow and an optional Description

    3. In the workflow designer setup your workflow:

      a. Add Action "send email"

      b. Specify the email parameters you can use Lookups to search for values related to the item you have uploaded or modified. For instance in the field to you can select a Sharepoint Group or even the user who created the current item

      c. In the body field you can insert values like Document Name, Title etc by clicking on add or change lookup

      d. Add more actions as needed

    4. Click on Workflow Settings in the Ribbon

    5. Untick Allow this workflow to be started manually and enable on created and is changed.

    6. Save the workflow by clicking the save button in the ribbon

    7. Publish the workflow by clicking the publish button in the ribbon

    Workflow should now be activated for that Library.