How to get all the unique node names in XMLReader? Let's say for example I have below XML data:
How can I get firstname, lastname, street, city, region from above XML data using XMLReader? Also the file is very big, so need to see performance also while getting the node names.
I didn't get the chance to test it, but give this a try:
$reader = new XMLReader();
$nodeList = array();
while ($reader->read())
// We need to check if we're dealing with an Element
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $reader->name == 'b')
// Let's inspect the node's content as well
while ($reader->read())
if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT)
// Saving the node to an auxiliar array
array_push($nodeList, $reader->localName);
// Finally, let's filter the array
$nodeList = array_unique($nodeList);
Performance-wise, if the file is huge then XMLReader is the way to go since it only loads the current tag to memory (while DOMDocument, on the other hand, would load everything). Here's a more detailed explanation regarding the three techniques you can use to read the XML.
By the way, if the array containing the nodes grows too large run array_unique more periodically (instead of just doing it in the end), in order to trim it.