I am trying to download pdf files present in a website using perl MECHANIZE module. It worked fine when i am running the program without any proxy connection. But i am getting the below error when i tried to run the program on the company server which uses proxy connection.
Error GETing http://www.google.com: Can't connect to www.google.com:80 (10060) a t Download.pl line 20.
I am not sure if i need to add any proxy details in the program or Is this something that our company firewall is blocking programatical requests to a website ? I have tried a lot but coudn't find out. Can any one of you please suggest?
If you using some kind of LWP related module you could set the following shell variables
You could check the connection with telnet or with wget
telnet www.google.com 80
with wget
wget http://www.google.com