Hi i am trying to parse a webpage which has endless pagination (scrolling gives more items) with simple html dom parser. But i am able to get data only for first page only. How to get data of another webpages.
require 'simple_html_dom.php';
$html = file_get_html('http://www.flipkart.com/mobiles/pr?sid=tyy,4io&otracker=ch_vn_mobile_filter_Mobile%20Brands');
foreach ($html->find("div.pu-visual-section a") as $el) {
$product_url = "http://flipkart.com".$el->href;
echo $product_url;echo "<br>";
Disable javascript, go to the site and check if there is a "more"-button. Use the link from it to fetch new results.
EDIT: I disabled javascript and checked your url.
There is a "next" link at the bottom of the page:
The &start=21
will be the necessary part for you to fetch new items. &start=41
EDIT 2: So you didn't want to parse all existing items but rather get the item count.
preg_match('/class=\"items\">(.*?)</', $result, $match);
With this you should get the desired result. I did not tested it with the pagecontent itself. Let me know if it helped!