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Force the usage of an attribute on properties, if they already have another attribute

I want to force the usage of an attribute, if another attribute is used. If a special 3rd party attribute is attached to a property, this attribute also needs to be given to a property. Is there any possibility of doing this?

For example:

public bool Example{get; set;}

should bring no compile error,

public bool Example{get; set;}

should bring a compile error or warning.

The attribute itself is definded like the example from itself . But how to force the usage of the attribute if another attribute is used?


  • Another option is using some AOP techniques. Like for example:


    Using it you can at compilation analyze yur code and emit a error if some condition does not sutisfies your requirements.

    For concrete example on attributes, can have a look on :

    PostSharp 2.1: Reflecting Custom Attributes