According to the svg Animate Element document animate is additive; but when I am trying to use 2 animate tag
with attribute name=display
, I am getting only the effect of later one in firefox 23.0 and opera 12.15, here is My svg file;
and Here is two animate tag
<animate attributeName="display" begin="0" dur="10" calcMode="discrete" fill="remove" additive="sum" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" values="inherit;none;inherit" />
<animate attributeName="display" begin="0" dur="10" calcMode="discrete" fill="remove" additive="sum" keyTimes="0;0.2;.8;1" values="inherit;none;inherit;none" />
I like to know if display is the special attribute for animate? or it is a bug in those two browsers?
The display property is one of the "All other data types used in animatable attributes and properties" in the table in the SVG specification that defines whether something is animatable and reading across the answer is "no", it's not additive.