Why does this (admittedly unorthodox) use of as.Date
within a for loop produce unexpected results?
I have the following date vector:
df.1 <- c("30-Sep-12", "30-Nov-12", "30-Sep-12",
"30-Nov-12", "30-Sep-12", "30-Nov-12",
Now of course to get them in the standard date format, I can use
df.date <- as.Date(df.1, format="%d-%b-%y")
But in the context of my script I wanted to use a for
as.Date(df.1[6], format="%d-%b-%y") # "30-Sep-12"
# [1] 2012-11-30 # as expected
df.for <- df.1
for (i in seq_along(df.1)){
df.for[i] <- as.Date(df.1[i], format="%d-%b-%y")
# [1] 15674 # unexpected
A single atomic vector can only be of a single class
When you use [<-
to replace a single value of df.for
, R
can't hold those values you have not changed as "character" variables that look like Dates, and a Date class value (a number which is formated and displayed like a character). Therefore it coerces to character.
you could get around this by making df.for
a list
df.for <- as.list(df.1)
for (i in seq_along(df.1)){
df.for[[i]] <- as.Date(df.1[i], format="%d-%b-%y")
Or by coercing the results back to a Date at the end of the loop (via numeric)
df.for <- df.1
for (i in seq_along(df.1)){
df.for[i] <- as.Date(df.1[i], format="%d-%b-%y")
as.Date(as.numeric(df.for),origin = '1970-01-01')