I have a many-to-many db with these three tables, Films, Ambiences, Films_Ambience:
Title VARCHAR(255));
CREATE TABLE Ambiences (
ambienceName VARCHAR(255));
CREATE TABLE Films_Ambiences (
film_id INT NOT NULL,
ambience_id INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (film_id, ambience_id),
I am using information from a form to search for specific films (e.g. film that is funny and scary at the same time). The form are simply 'ticks' next to given names. The information is sent by $_POST.
The problem is that I don't know how many requirements will there be. I know the maximum number that a user can choose but I cannot tell how many or which they will actually pick (I could do that by checking isset($_POST['somethin'])
but it would be very.. monotonous if I had, for example, 20 different options. So I cannot do anything like:
$ambience1 = $_POST["a1"];
$ambience2 = $_POST["a2"];
$ambience3 = $_POST["a2"];
SELECT *,GROUP_CONCAT(ambienceName SEPARATOR ' ') AS ambiences
FROM Films AS f
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa ON f.id = fa.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a ON a.id = fa.ambience_id
HAVING (ambiences LIKE '%$ambience1%' AND ambiences LIKE '%$ambience2%' AND ...
I'm not even sure where to start. Can I do it with SQL or rather PHP?
Here's an SQLFiddle if U like.
Using keyword search predicates LIKE '%pattern%'
is a sure way to cause poor performance, because it forces a table-scan.
The best way to do a relational division query, that is to match only movies where all three criteria are matched, is to find individual rows for each of the criteria, and then JOIN them together.
SELECT f.*, CONCAT_WS(' ', a1.ambienceName, a2.ambienceName, a3.ambienceName) AS ambiences
FROM Films AS f
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa1 ON f.id = fa1.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a1 ON a1.id = fa1.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa2 ON f.id = fa2.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a2 ON a2.id = fa2.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa3 ON f.id = fa3.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a3 ON a3.id = fa3.ambience_id
WHERE (a1.ambienceName, a2.ambienceName, a3.ambienceName) = (?, ?, ?);
You'll need an additional JOIN
to Films_Ambiences
and Ambiences
for each search term.
You should have an index on ambienceName
, and then all three lookups will be more efficient.
ALTER TABLE Ambiences ADD KEY (ambienceName);
I compared different solutions for relational division in a recent presentation:
Re your comment:
Is there a way to alter this query so that it also displays the rest of the ambiences after the criteria are found?
Yes, but you have to join one more time to get the full set of ambiences for the film:
SELECT f.*, GROUP_CONCAT(a_all.ambienceName) AS ambiences
FROM Films AS f
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa1 ON f.id = fa1.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a1 ON a1.id = fa1.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa2 ON f.id = fa2.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a2 ON a2.id = fa2.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa3 ON f.id = fa3.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a3 ON a3.id = fa3.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences AS fa_all ON f.id = fa_all.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a_all ON a_all.id = fa_all.ambience_id
WHERE (a1.ambienceName, a2.ambienceName, a3.ambienceName) = (?, ?, ?)
GROUP BY f.id;
is there a way to alter this query so that the result are only films that have the ambiences required but no more?
The query above should do that.
What the query does, I think, is to look for films that include the given ambiences (so it also find films that have more ambiences).
Right, the query does not match a film unless it matches all three ambiences in the search criteria. But the film may have other ambiences beyond those in the search criteria, and all of the film's ambiences (those in the search criteria plus others) are collected as GROUP_CONCAT(a_all.ambienceName)
I tested this example:
mysql> INSERT INTO Ambiences (ambienceName)
VALUES ('funny'), ('scary'), ('1950s'), ('London'), ('bank'), ('crime'), ('stupid');
mysql> INSERT INTO Films (title)
VALUES ('Mary Poppins'), ('Heist'), ('Scary Movie'), ('Godzilla'), ('Signs');
mysql> INSERT INTO Films_Ambiences
VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(1,4),(1,5), (2,1),(2,2),(2,5),(2,6), (3,1),(3,2),(3,7), (4,2),(4,3), (5,2),(5,7);
mysql> SELECT f.*, GROUP_CONCAT(a_all.ambienceName) AS ambiences
FROM Films AS f
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa1 ON f.id = fa1.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a1 ON a1.id = fa1.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa2 ON f.id = fa2.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a2 ON a2.id = fa2.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa3 ON f.id = fa3.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a3 ON a3.id = fa3.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences AS fa_all ON f.id = fa_all.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a_all ON a_all.id = fa_all.ambience_id
WHERE (a1.ambienceName, a2.ambienceName, a3.ambienceName) = ('funny','scary','bank')
GROUP BY f.id;
| id | Title | ambiences |
| 1 | Mary Poppins | funny,scary,London,bank |
| 2 | Heist | funny,scary,bank,crime |
By the way, here's the EXPLAIN showing usage of indexes:
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | a1 | ref | PRIMARY,ambienceName | ambienceName | 258 | const | 1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
| 1 | SIMPLE | a2 | ref | PRIMARY,ambienceName | ambienceName | 258 | const | 1 | Using where; Using index |
| 1 | SIMPLE | a3 | ref | PRIMARY,ambienceName | ambienceName | 258 | const | 1 | Using where; Using index |
| 1 | SIMPLE | fa1 | ref | PRIMARY,ambience_id | ambience_id | 4 | test.a1.id | 1 | Using index |
| 1 | SIMPLE | f | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | test.fa1.film_id | 1 | NULL |
| 1 | SIMPLE | fa2 | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ambience_id | PRIMARY | 8 | test.fa1.film_id,test.a2.id | 1 | Using index |
| 1 | SIMPLE | fa3 | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ambience_id | PRIMARY | 8 | test.fa1.film_id,test.a3.id | 1 | Using index |
| 1 | SIMPLE | fa_all | ref | PRIMARY,ambience_id | PRIMARY | 4 | test.fa1.film_id | 1 | Using index |
| 1 | SIMPLE | a_all | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | test.fa_all.ambience_id | 1 | NULL |
I have a film1 which is scary, funny, stupid. When I search for a film which is only scary, stupid I will get film1 anyway. What if I dont want that?
Oh, okay, I totally didn't understand that was what you meant, and it's an unusual requirement in these types of problems.
Here's a solution:
mysql> SELECT f.*, GROUP_CONCAT(a_all.ambienceName) AS ambiences
FROM Films AS f
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa1 ON f.id = fa1.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a1 ON a1.id = fa1.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences as fa2 ON f.id = fa2.film_id
INNER JOIN Ambiences AS a2 ON a2.id = fa2.ambience_id
INNER JOIN Films_Ambiences AS fa_all ON f.id = fa_all.film_id
WHERE (a1.ambienceName, a2.ambienceName) = ('scary','stupid')
| id | Title | ambiences |
| 5 | Signs | scary,stupid |
There's no need to join to a_all
in this case, because we don't need the list of ambiences names, we only need the count of ambiences, which we can get just by joining to fa_all