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draw a smooth polygon around data points in a scatter plot, in matplotlib

I have a bunch of cross plots with two sets of data and have been looking for a matploltib way of highlighting their plotted regions with smoothed polygon outlines.

At the moment i just use Adobe Illustrator and amend saved plot, but this is not ideal. Example:enter image description here

I'd be grateful for any pointers/links to examples.



  • Here, you have an example. I was written the main ideas, but obviously, you could do it better.

    A short explanations:

    1) You need to compute the convex-hull (

    2) With the hull, you could scale it to keep all your data inside.

    3) You must to interpolate the resulting curve.

    The first part was done in The second one is trivial. The third one is very general, and you could perform any method, there are a lot of different ways to do the same. I took the @Jaime's approach (Smooth spline representation of an arbitrary contour, f(length) --> x,y), which I think it's a very good method.

    I hope it help you...

    #Taken from
    import numpy as n, pylab as p, time
    def _angle_to_point(point, centre):
        '''calculate angle in 2-D between points and x axis'''
        delta = point - centre
        res = n.arctan(delta[1] / delta[0])
        if delta[0] < 0:
            res += n.pi
        return res
    def _draw_triangle(p1, p2, p3, **kwargs):
        tmp = n.vstack((p1,p2,p3))
        x,y = [x[0] for x in zip(tmp.transpose())]
        p.fill(x,y, **kwargs)
    def area_of_triangle(p1, p2, p3):
        '''calculate area of any triangle given co-ordinates of the corners'''
        return n.linalg.norm(n.cross((p2 - p1), (p3 - p1)))/2.
    def convex_hull(points, graphic=False, smidgen=0.0075):
        Calculate subset of points that make a convex hull around points
        Recursively eliminates points that lie inside two neighbouring points until only convex hull is remaining.
        points : ndarray (2 x m)
        array of points for which to find hull
        graphic : bool
        use pylab to show progress?
        smidgen : float
        offset for graphic number labels - useful values depend on your data range
        hull_points : ndarray (2 x n)
        convex hull surrounding points
        if graphic:
            p.plot(points[0], points[1], 'ro')
        n_pts = points.shape[1]
        assert(n_pts > 5)
        centre = points.mean(1)
        if graphic: p.plot((centre[0],),(centre[1],),'bo')
        angles = n.apply_along_axis(_angle_to_point, 0, points, centre)
        pts_ord = points[:,angles.argsort()]
        if graphic:
            for i in xrange(n_pts):
                p.text(pts_ord[0,i] + smidgen, pts_ord[1,i] + smidgen, \
                       '%d' % i)
        pts = [x[0] for x in zip(pts_ord.transpose())]
        prev_pts = len(pts) + 1
        k = 0
        while prev_pts > n_pts:
            prev_pts = n_pts
            n_pts = len(pts)
            if graphic: p.gca().patches = []
            i = -2
            while i < (n_pts - 2):
                Aij = area_of_triangle(centre, pts[i],     pts[(i + 1) % n_pts])
                Ajk = area_of_triangle(centre, pts[(i + 1) % n_pts], \
                                       pts[(i + 2) % n_pts])
                Aik = area_of_triangle(centre, pts[i],     pts[(i + 2) % n_pts])
                if graphic:
                    _draw_triangle(centre, pts[i], pts[(i + 1) % n_pts], \
                                   facecolor='blue', alpha = 0.2)
                    _draw_triangle(centre, pts[(i + 1) % n_pts], \
                                   pts[(i + 2) % n_pts], \
                                   facecolor='green', alpha = 0.2)
                    _draw_triangle(centre, pts[i], pts[(i + 2) % n_pts], \
                                   facecolor='red', alpha = 0.2)
                if Aij + Ajk < Aik:
                    if graphic: p.plot((pts[i + 1][0],),(pts[i + 1][1],),'go')
                    del pts[i+1]
                i += 1
                n_pts = len(pts)
            k += 1
        return n.asarray(pts)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
    #    fig = p.figure(figsize=(10,10))
        theta = 2*n.pi*n.random.rand(1000)
        r = n.random.rand(1000)**0.5
        x,y = r*p.cos(theta),r*p.sin(theta)
        points = n.ndarray((2,len(x)))
        points[0,:],points[1,:] = x,y
        scale = 1.03
        hull_pts = scale*convex_hull(points)
        x,y = [],[]
        convex = scale*hull_pts
        for point in convex:
        x,y = n.array(x),n.array(y)
    #Taken from
        nt = n.linspace(0, 1, 100)
        t = n.zeros(x.shape)
        t[1:] = n.sqrt((x[1:] - x[:-1])**2 + (y[1:] - y[:-1])**2)
        t = n.cumsum(t)
        t /= t[-1]
        x2 = interpolate.spline(t, x, nt)
        y2 = interpolate.spline(t, y, nt)
        p.plot(x2, y2,'r--',linewidth=2)

    enter image description here

    There are some useful papers, eg.:

    Also, you could try with:

    I don't know nothing about arcgis, but it looks fine.