I have two csv files
1: eurusd.csv 2: xauusd.csv
there is no header in the files, but the data is Date Time, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume. each file has the following type of data...
02/23/2009 18:01,1.27090,1.27110,1.27040,1.27050,204
02/23/2009 18:02,1.27060,1.27060,1.27000,1.27040,211
02/23/2009 18:03,1.27040,1.27050,1.27010,1.27040,82
02/23/2009 18:04,1.27020,1.27080,1.27020,1.27060,98
02/23/2009 18:01,991.260,992.120,990.800,991.840,69
02/23/2009 18:02,991.800,992.260,991.200,991.870,74
02/23/2009 18:04,991.820,991.830,990.700,991.320,74
I want to merge the data based on the date time column which is the first column in both files. as you can see the second file does not have exact same records as the first file, so missing some data from second file, but thats ok. I want to bring the Close column from second file to the first file based on matching date tile field between them
so the final merged csv file will have the following columns... Date Time, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, CloseFromSecondCsv
02/23/2009 18:01,1.27090,1.27110,1.27040,1.27050,204,991.840
02/23/2009 18:02,1.27060,1.27060,1.27000,1.27040,211,991.870
02/23/2009 18:03,1.27040,1.27050,1.27010,1.27040,82,0
02/23/2009 18:04,1.27020,1.27080,1.27020,1.27060,98,991.320
im not sure how to do this. thanks in advance
Final working code based on TomAugspurger's answer:
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.read_csv("C:\IQFEED\XAUUSDO.COMP_1.csv", index_col=0, names=['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], parse_dates=True)
df2 = pd.read_csv("C:\IQFEED\EURUSD.COMP_1.csv", index_col=0, names=['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], parse_dates=True)
df2['other_close'] = df1['close']
I figured out using column numbers only way...
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.read_csv("C:\IQFEED\XAUUSD.txt", index_col=0, usecols=[0,4], parse_dates=True, header=None)
df2 = pd.read_csv("C:\IQFEED\EURUSD.txt", index_col=0, usecols=[0,1,2,3,4,5], parse_dates=True, header=None)
df2[6] = df1[4]
If I understand your question correctly, Andy had the right idea in his comment. You don't want to merge to two, you want to copy the column of one into the other.
In [48]: df1 = pd.read_csv(StringIO(b), index_col=0, names=['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], parse_dates=True)
In [49]: df2 = pd.read_csv(StringIO(a), index_col=0, names=['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], parse_dates=True)
In [71]: df1
open high low close volume
2009-02-23 18:01:00 991.26 992.12 990.8 991.84 69
2009-02-23 18:02:00 991.80 992.26 991.2 991.87 74
2009-02-23 18:04:00 991.82 991.83 990.7 991.32 74
In [72]: df2
open high low close volume
2009-02-23 18:01:00 1.2709 1.2711 1.2704 1.2705 204
2009-02-23 18:02:00 1.2706 1.2706 1.2700 1.2704 211
2009-02-23 18:03:00 1.2704 1.2705 1.2701 1.2704 82
2009-02-23 18:04:00 1.2702 1.2708 1.2702 1.2706 98
In [51]: df2['other_close'] = df1['close']
In [52]: df2
open high low close volume other_close
2009-02-23 18:01:00 1.2709 1.2711 1.2704 1.2705 204 991.84
2009-02-23 18:02:00 1.2706 1.2706 1.2700 1.2704 211 991.87
2009-02-23 18:03:00 1.2704 1.2705 1.2701 1.2704 82 NaN
2009-02-23 18:04:00 1.2702 1.2708 1.2702 1.2706 98 991.32
You can do df2.fillna(0)
to get your expected answer.