How do I search in a folder in sublime text 2 with file extension?
My where when I use:
searches globally for all js files.
If I try to restrict it to a folder:
it matches nothing.
Instead of this:
Try using this:
project .js
This should match files which have project in the path and have a .js extension
EDIT: The above assumes you're trying to find all the files with .js extension using the Goto Anything feature in Sublime Text.
In case you'd like to search within .js files located within a directory, you can add an Include Filter in the search path:
This will search for the text you've entered, limiting the scope to files within /project and it's sub-directories having the extension .js.
Reference: Sublime Text Docs - Search Scope
EDIT 2: For Sublime Text 3, refer Simons answer below.