I'm working on an apex trigger and I keep getting errors in selecting 'contact' I've tried a lot of different configurations of this sort of code and i just can't get it to work. the forceide says there is no contact on opportunitycontactrole i'm out of ideas.
Here is my code so far:
trigger add_primary_advisor on Opportunity(after insert, after update) { List primaries=new List();
for(Opportunity o:
[Select Contact
From OpportunityContactRole
Where OpportunityContactRole='Staff' and isPrimary='True']) {
return primaries;
Contact is not a valid field on OpportunityContactRole
This Object stores only the reference to Contact as ContactId.
If you want to access Contact's fields from OpportunityContactRole you can access by cross-refrencing to its fields as as below.
List<Contact> primaries = new List<Contact>();
for(Opportunity o:
[Select Contact.FirstName, Contact.LastName, Contact.Email
From OpportunityContactRole
Where OpportunityContactRole='Staff' and isPrimary='True']) {
primaries.add(new Contact(FirstName=o.Contact.FristName,
LastName = o.Contact.LastName, Email =o.Contact.Email));