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How to use the rails date_field helper?

I am completely new to ruby on rails, and trying to follow the rails guide on Form Helpers. When I try using a date_field helper with:

<%= date_field(:user, :born_on) %>

I get an error:

undefined method `date_field' for #<#<Class:0x007fa42ffe3dc0>:0x007fa42f82c410>

Am I supposed to include something in order to use certain helpers? Thanks!


  • date_field() is a new helper in Ruby on Rails 4.0, so you're probably using an older version like 3.2.13.

    These are examples of the form helpers available in Rails 3.2.13:

    <%= text_area_tag(:message, "Hi, nice site", :size => "24x6") %>
    <%= password_field_tag(:password) %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag(:parent_id, "5") %>
    <%= search_field(:user, :name) %>
    <%= telephone_field(:user, :phone) %>
    <%= url_field(:user, :homepage) %>
    <%= email_field(:user, :address) %>

    And you can find the documentation of this here: