In CLRS chapter 2 there is an exercise which asks whether the worst-case running time of insertion sort be improved to O(n lg n)
. I saw this question and found that it cannot be done.
The worst-case complexity cannot be improved but would by using memmove
the real running time be better compared to individually moving the array elements?
Code for individually moving elements
void insertion_sort(int arr[], int length)
Sorts into increasing order
For decreasing order change the comparison in for-loop
for (int j = 1; j < length; j++)
int temp = arr[j];
int k;
for (k = j - 1; k >= 0 && arr[k] > temp; k--){
arr[k + 1] = arr[k];
arr[k + 1] = temp;
Code for moving elements by using memmove
void insertion_sort(int arr[], int length)
for (int j = 1; j < length; j++)
int temp = arr[j];
int k;
for (k = j - 1; k >= 0 && arr[k] > temp; k--){
if (k != j - 1){
memmove(&arr[k + 2], &arr[k + 1], sizeof(int) *(j - k - 2));
arr[k + 1] = temp;
I couldn't get the 2nd one to run perfectly but that is an example of what I am thinking of doing.
Would there be any visible speed improvements by using memmove
It all depends on your compiler and other implementation details. It is true that memmove
can be implemented in some tricky super-optimized way. But at the same time a smart compiler might be able to figure out what your per-element copying code is doing and optimize it in the same (or very similar) way. Try it and see for yourself.