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SQL get data from multiple tables

I have 3 tables, all with some kind of articles: articles, columns and reports. All tables have a column called date, which contains the Unix timestamp when the record was added.

Now, I want to get the 50 most recently added records of the articles, columns and reports table and list them on a webpage. Because an article and a column can have the same unique ID, it is also necessary to know which result came from which table, for linking to the complete article ( or for instance).

What is the best way to achieve this?


  • Frankly, the best way is probably to pull the elements into different variables. Anyway, here's an alternative if you want to do it all at once:

    SELECT, a.title, 'ARTICLE' category
    FROM articles a
    WHERE date > :date
    SELECT date, title, 'COLUMN' category
    FROM columns
    WHERE date > :date
    SELECT date, title, 'REPORT' category
    FROM reports
    WHERE date > :date

    Something like that, anyway. The idea is that you can include a flag referencing the source table in each sub-select statement.