Search code examples

Criteria - Eagerly fetch associated objects' properties

I have two entities joined by a join table. When I try to fetch all the associated entities, this only fetches the identity of the associations, not their property values:

User.createCriteria().get {
    eq property, value
    fetchMode 'authorities', FetchMode.JOIN

results only in a join with the join table:

left outer join
    search_role_auth_user authoritie2_ 
        on this_.ID=authoritie2_.AUTHORITIES_ID 

How can I eagerly fetch the the associated entity's data as well?


  • Assuming,

    class User{
        static hasMany = [authorities: Authority]
    class Authority{
        static belongsTo = [user: User]

    authorities can be eagerly fetched in criteria as below

    User.createCriteria().list {
        eq property, value
           //All authorities for User are eagerly fetched by default

    list is used instead of get because there is a possibility of getting more than one result as the criteria is built based on an id comparison but a property value.