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SQL Server - Optimize this query with million records

I have table with 2 million records for now, it will increase by 0.05 million records per day, so I want optimize this query

Select * from Forex where Id in 
(SELECT MAX(Id) FROM Forex GROUP BY Symbol having Symbol in 
(Select Distinct Symbol from Forex) )

I have create NONCLUSTERED INDEX so the time taken for this query is 673milliseconds. I have modified the query to

Select * from Forex where Id in 
(SELECT MAX(Id) FROM Forex GROUP BY Symbol having  Symbol in 

Now the time taken is 391milliseconds

Is it possible to make less than 100milliseconds? Or Some one help to optimize this query


  • As you only have 26 symbols and a million rows 26 index seeks may be better (assumes an index on Symbol ASC, Id DESC)

    DECLARE @Id     INT,
            @Symbol VARCHAR(10)
    DECLARE @Results TABLE(
      Id     INT,
      Symbol VARCHAR(10))
    SELECT TOP 1 @Id = Id,
                 @Symbol = Symbol
    FROM   Forex
    ORDER  BY Symbol ASC,
              Id DESC
          INSERT INTO @Results
          VALUES      (@Id,
          SELECT TOP 1 @Id = Id,
                       @Symbol = Symbol
          FROM   Forex
          WHERE  Symbol > @Symbol
          ORDER  BY Symbol ASC,
                    Id DESC
    SELECT *
    FROM   @Results