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Android Asynctask passing a single string

I would like to pass a single string into an asynctask. Could anyone show me how it is done? my getEntity needs The method getEntity(Activity, String, EntityGetListener) but I keep passing this String[]

String pass= story.get(position).getEntity();

        new RemoteDataTask().execute(pass);

private class RemoteDataTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, Long> {

    protected Long doInBackground(String... params) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        EntityUtils.getEntity(activity, params, new EntityGetListener() {
            public void onGet(Entity entity) {

                viewcount = entity.getEntityStats().getViews();

            public void onError(SocializeException error) {

        return null;



  • You already have this

         new RemoteDataTask().execute(pass); // assuming pass is a string

    In doInbackground

         protected Long doInBackground(String... params) {   
                 String s = params[0]; // here's youre string
                 ...      //rest of the code. 

    You can find more info @


    Asynctask is depecated. Should be using kotlin coroutines or rxjava or any other threading mechanism as alternatives.