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What are normal checksum

Part one of question

On my server I am compressing all my files.
I am trying to put the original file/folder checksum on my records
What are the normal checksum for file and folders?

I think that md5 is and the others are?

added for clarification

I will be using more than one sumcheck. 3 or 5 avenues of sumcheck
Is there a standard for how to store sumcheck in a files for an app to uses later to verification a file
what are the different avenues of sumcheck types
so md* is one avenues and sha* is another one
So is md5 ok

I have 20TB SAN for storage, but the largest file I can store right now is 2gb. but I have good file version control.
I would reformat the drive but I do not have that level control on file system I just have control what files and folder to storing it.
eventually I will have full control and then I will put a custom file system on the SAN.
for now I am compressing *.ios of OS and splitting file up and compressing my projects so when I need to work on them I have a 1TB SSD I use for my active projects.
so I just push the whole projects folder to the san storage, when I send it I compress and split.. but I like to some check compress sumcheck compress file then push it to SAN. When I need projects or ISO A pull it from the SAN and put on the SSD

for processing power I have AMD Opteron 6348 Abu Dhabi 2.8GHz 12MB L2 Cache 16MB L3 Cache Socket G34 115W 12-Core Server Processor OS6348WKTCGHKWOF that should be good for a while.

in folder checksum

so if I will be checksum all file then how to put the contact of the folder together so I have a value for the data in folder

Part two of question

lightweight portable and installed app to use in ms windows from command line?
lightweight portable and installed app to use in Linux Ubuntu from command line?

part two and a half of question

is it easer to make a sumcheck app or interface with already done ones?


  • For Windows:

    fsum SlavaSoft Inc.

    and fastsum

    FastSum - extremely fast utility for your files integrity control. FastSum calculates short and strong digests of your data via popular MD5 algorithm to use it as references checksums for ulterior data integrity verification. 
    FastSum - Allows to rectify the errors occurring while data transfer. For example: Network transfers, CD-R and DVD burning and much more. It is developed for easy processing of a huge files count and has usable command-line interface. It is an analogue of a famous md5sum Unix platform utility.

    and MD5sums

    MD5sums is win32 command line software to generate MD5 hashes of files