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gethostbyname() Showing wierd results while domain validation

This is the code iam using for validating the domain name using gethostbyname().

This is working fine until i use it on localhost.

As soon as i upload it on my server,gethostbyname() started returning ip address of the unknown domain name as well.

function getHost($Address) { 
           $parseUrl = parse_url(trim($Address)); 
           return trim($parseUrl['host'] ? $parseUrl['host'] : array_shift(explode('/', $parseUrl['path'], 2))); 

  $domain = str_ireplace('www.', '', $get);

 if(filter_var(gethostbyname($domain), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP))
echo gethostbyname($domain);
echo $domain;
echo gethostbyname($domain);
   echo "Not Valid";

My test cases are :-

1)www- it return

2)google.coma- it returns

3)google.comaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - it returns

One more interesting thing happening is that for these same domain name when i run them on my localhost .this same function returns Not valid.

Any help would be appreciated :)


  • Based on the answer and research by Ben D...

    # Get the URL from the GET Parameters
    $url = $_GET['d'];
    # Derive the HTTP Host
    $hostname = parse_url( $url , PHP_URL_HOST );
    # Strip the "WWW." from the hostname if present
    $hostname = preg_replace( '/^www\./i' , '' , $hostname );
    # Look for the IP Address
    $ip_address = gethostbyname( $hostname );
    if( filter_var( $hostname , FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ){
      echo 'Hostname is an IP Address already';
      echo $hostname;
    }elseif( $ip_address==$hostname || $ip_address=='' ){
      echo 'Domain Not Found';
    }elseif( filter_var( $ip_address , FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ){
      echo $ip_address;
      echo $hostname;
      echo 'Invalid IP Address Returned';
      echo $ip_address;
      echo $hostname;