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Cloudera Installation Error I want to know can we cloudera manager for Hadoop single node Cluster on ubuntu?

I am using ubuntu 12.04 64bit, I installed and ran sample hadoop programs with single node successfully.

I am getting the following error while installing cloudera manager on my ubuntu

Refreshing repository metadata failed. See /var/log/cloudera-manager-installer/2.refresh-repo.log for details. Click OK to revert this installation.

I want to know can we install Cloudera for Hadoop's Single node cluster on ubuntu. Please response me that Is it possible to install cloudera manager for single node or not. Or else Am i want to create multiple nodes for using cloudera with my hadooop


  • Yes, CM can run in a single node.

    This error is because CM can not use apt-get install to get the packages. Which tutorial do you follow?

    However, you can manually add the cloudera repo. See this thread.