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How to point another domain to specific path on an existing website in IIS 7.5?

So i have an existing site running fine in IIS, let's call this domain Now there is a folder on the site that is basically a sub-site, that folder is 'foundation'. So I need to point an additional domain at this folder, the additional domain will be

I know how to add domains and such in the Bindings of IIS, but my brain is stuck on how to get a new domain pointing at a particular FOLDER.

I have lots of urlMappings setup, but they don't relate to the new 'foundation' domain. For example I have lots of these:

<add url="~/community" mappedUrl="~/Company/Community"/>

So how do I make it work like this:

Original site www.mysite goes to root/home as usual. While newly added goes to what is basically

Clear as mud?! :)


  • You could match using the HTTP_HOST condition

    <rule name="RedirectToFoundation" stopProcessing="true">
        <match url=".*" ignoreCase="true" />
            <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="" />
        <action type="Redirect" url="{R:0}" redirectType="Permanent" />