I am trying to read a large file in x,y,z. Typically it runs into gbs of data. I have created memory mapped file using Boost. However, I am still not very clear as how to access a chunk of memory from this file.
Boost provides function char* data() that returns pointer to the first byte of the buffer.(I get entire data as buffer).
Is there a way by which I can read the data chunk by chunk. Ideally, I would like to read the data in chunks of say 10,000.
Following is code.
boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source file;
std::string filename("MyFile.pts");
unsigned size = 58678952192;
file.open(filename, size);
int numBytes = size*sizeof(float)*3;
cl_float3 *data = new cl_float3[size];
float * tmp = (float*)file.data();
for(int i = 0; i < size;i++)
data[i].x = tmp[i*3];
data[i].y = tmp[i*3+1];
data[i].z = tmp[i*3+2];
delete[] tmp;
boost::iostreams behave just like std::basic_iostream We can use unformatted IO
char buff[10000];