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How would I place a random generated number in a form field?

Like this:

title - [ ]
description - [ ]
password - [ ]

Don't want your own password?
[Generate one]

And then the [Generate one] button will just place a random number in the password field or whatever field desired.

How would I do this?

I was thinking that this would do it:

function generate() {
$placerand = rand();

and then place it in the 'value' of the form field.

<input type="text" value="<?php echo $placerand; ?>" placeholder="password">
<input type="submit" onclick="generate()" value="Generate a random number"><>

but, I'm thinking that the php function is a javascript function, so that wouldn't work... Would it?


  • Here is an example

    function GetRandom() {
      var myElement = document.getElementById("pwbx")
      myElement.value = Math.random()
    <input type="Textbox" id="pwbx" />
    <button OnClick="GetRandom()" type="button">generate</button>