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Fails with error 1001 "Dropbox SDK v1.3.4" and "IOS 6.0"

everyone. And always you very much.

Fails with error 1001 "Dropbox SDK v1.3.4" and "IOS 6.0"

"" is a file of 5MB.

NSString* filename = @"";
NSString* destDir = @"test";
NSString* srcPath = @"test";
[restClient uploadFile:filename toPath:destDir withParentRev:nil fromPath:srcPath];


2013-07-09 06:53:13.110 DropBoxTest [13243:907] - (void) Start_Dropbox
2013-07-09 06:53:13.216 DropBoxTest [13243:907] if (! RestClient) {[DBRestClient alloc] initWithSession:
2013-07-09 06:53:17.365 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.006782
2013-07-09 06:53:17.370 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.013564
2013-07-09 06:53:17.373 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.020345
2013-07-09 06:53:17.374 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.027127
2013-07-09 06:53:51.652 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.033909
2013-07-09 06:53:51.656 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.040691
2013-07-09 06:53:51.657 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.047472
2013-07-09 06:53:51.660 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.054254
2013-07-09 06:53:51.662 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.061036
2013-07-09 06:53:51.665 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.067818
2013-07-09 06:53:51.668 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.074600
2013-07-09 06:53:51.671 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.081381
2013-07-09 06:53:51.674 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.088163
2013-07-09 06:53:51.677 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.094945
2013-07-09 06:53:51.679 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.101727
2013-07-09 06:53:51.682 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.108508
2013-07-09 06:54:40.271 DropBoxTest [13243:907] File upload restClient: uploadProgress - 0.115290
2013-07-09 06:55:40.320 DropBoxTest [13243:907] [WARNING] DropboxSDK: error making request to / 1/files_put/ - (-1001) Error Domain = NSURLErrorDomain Code = -1001 "The operation couldn 't be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1001.) "UserInfo = 0x2087fb70 {destinationPath = test /, sourcePath =}

Uploading process is confirmed that you have progressed to the middle. problem does not occur with iOS5.1.1. I successfully processed. In iOS6.0, this problem has occurred. What should I do now?

It seems to be a problem that depend on the terminal of the iPhone5.

The Exit menu to ensure the values ​​you selected transferred successfully.

iPhone4 iOS 6.1.3  ---->successfully.
iPhone4S iOS 5.1.1  ---->successfully.
iPad3 iOS 5.1.1  ---->successfully.

Exit by generating a 1001 error during file transfer of 5MB.

iPhone5 iOS 6.1.4  ---> Error

Dropbox SDK is, or would not correspond to the terminal of the iPhone5?


  • Error -1001 on NSURLDomain is NSURLErrorTimedOut.

    The default timeout set on Dropbox SDK is 20s.