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VS2012 Is A BSOD Causer

So after 36 hours of research and checking, I got it.

VS2012 Is the cause after the 'process has locked pages' BSOD.

I tried to open a thread to get the active IPs on my network (using C#). Apparently, When you press the 'Stop' Button when the thread is active, windows is crushing.

This is the thread code:

    private void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

        var thread = new Thread(() => TryToConnect(targetsList));



    private static void TryToConnect(ListBox targetsList)
        for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
            Uri url = new Uri("http://192.168.1." + i.ToString());
            string pingurl = string.Format("{0}", url.Host);
            string host = pingurl;
            Ping p = new Ping();
                PingReply reply = p.Send(host, 3000);
                if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
                    ListBoxItem item = new ListBoxItem();
                    item.Content = "192.168.1." + i.ToString();

            catch (Exception ex)

            //   Thread.Sleep(10);

As you can see the thread is using Ping 255 times, so it takes time to be finished. When I press the Stop button apparently the VS2012 Debug Process makes Windows to crush. Every time that I tried it, Windows crashed. (My OS: Win7 64Bit) Am I right with this? And if not, is it fixable?


  • It's a known issue with Visual Studio (since VS2010, apparently) and the Ping class.

    Posted by Microsoft on 06/02/2012 at 09:11
    Thank you for your feedback. This is a known issue with the underlying Windows APIs used by the Ping class. The Windows team is will determine how to best handle the issue.