In my Grails app's domain model I have a 1-N relationship between Event and Performance (because many artists may perform at each event). I want to retrieve the 5 events that have most recently had a performance added.
I tried doing this with the following criteria query:
List<Event> event = Event.createCriteria().listDistinct {
performances {
order("dateCreated", "desc")
However it seems that you can't limit the result set of a distinct query using maxResults
. Is there another way to achieve this, e.g. using HQL?
Should this suffice?
Event.executeQuery("select distinct e from Event as e \
inner join e.performances as p \
where p.dateCreated is not null \
order by p.dateCreated desc", [max: 5])
If you also need performances
corresponding to each event
in the same query, you can use inner join fetch