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Cannot get values of <apex:selectRadio> when inside <apex:repeat>

When I setup a visualforce page with a <apex:selectRadio> that is inside a repeat, I cant seem to get the selected value back into the controller. If I move it out of the repeat, it works fine. Any ideas?


public with sharing class COPE_TestsExt {
public id tid {get;set;}
public boolean showTestSelect {get;set;}
public list<COPE_Tests__c> tests {get;set;}
public list<COPE_questions__c> questions {get;set;}
public list<List<SelectOption>> options {get;set;}
public COPE_results__c results {get;set;}
public list<string> rid {get;set;}   

public COPE_TestsExt(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {   

    results = new COPE_results__c();
    showTestSelect = true;
    tests = [select id, name from COPE_Tests__c];
    tid = null; 


public PageReference setTid(){

    integer ridCount = 0;       
    showTestSelect = false;
    tid = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('tid');
    results.cope_test__c = tid;
    questions = [select id, name, question_body__c, (select id, name, option_body__c from COPE_options__r order by name ASC) from COPE_questions__c ];
    options = new List<List<SelectOption>>();
    for(COPE_Questions__C q : questions){
        List<SelectOption> l = new List<SelectOption>();
        for(COPE_options__c op : q.COPE_options__r){
            l.add(new SelectOption(string.valueof(, op.option_body__c));
    rid = new string[ridCount];
    integer tempCount = 0;
    while(tempCount < ridCount){
    rid[tempCount] = '';

    return null;
public pagereference submit(){
  return null;


    <apex:page showHeader="false" standardController="COPE_Tests__c" extensions="COPE_TestsExt" >
<apex:form id="theForm" >
<apex:pageblock >
    <apex:outputPanel id="testSelect">

    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!tests}" var="t" rendered="{!showTestSelect}"  >
    <apex:column headerValue="Please select a test:" ><apex:commandLink reRender="testSelect,testPage" action="{!setTID}"  >{!}<apex:param name="tid" value="{!}"/></apex:commandLink></apex:column>
    <apex:outputPanel id="testPage">
    <apex:outputText rendered="{!not(showTestSelect)}">
    <apex:pageBlockSection collapsible="false" title="User Information" columns="1">
        <apex:inputField label="What is your full name?" value="{!}" required="false"/>
        <apex:inputField label="What is your email address?" value="{!results.Email__c}" required="false"/>
        <apex:inputField label="What is your OE Tracker #?" value="{!results.OE_Tracker__c}" required="false"/>
    <apex:pageBlockSection collapsible="false" title="Test Questions" columns="1">
    <apex:variable var="count" value="{!0}" />
    <apex:repeat value="{!questions}" var="q">
    {!count+1}. {!q.Question_Body__c}
    <apex:repeat first="{!count}" rows="1" value="{!options}" var="op">
    <apex:selectRadio value="{!rid[count]}" >
    <apex:selectOptions value="{!op}" />
<apex:variable var="count" value="{!count+1}"/>
<apex:commandButton reRender="check" action="{!submit}" value="Submit"/>
<apex:outputPanel id="check">


  • If i got it right you want to store in

    public list<List<SelectOption>> options {get;set;}

    possible answers. So a better approach might be to store it in a map from Question.Id to List like this

    public Map<Id,List<SelectOption>> options {get;set;}
    for(COPE_Questions__C q : questions){
        List<SelectOption> l = new List<SelectOption>();
        for(COPE_options__c op : q.COPE_options__r){
            l.add(new SelectOption(string.valueof(, op.option_body__c));

    And then in VF Page you could do something like

    <apex:repeat value="{!questions}" var="q">
      {!count+1}. {!q.Question_Body__c}
    <apex:selectRadio value="{!rid[count]}" >
    <apex:selectOptions value="{!options[q.Id]}" />
    <apex:variable var="count" value="{!count+1}"/>

    Hope it helps.

    P.S. I might misunderstood your code (hes not very readable) if so don't get angry :)