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How to implement a lazy setdefault?

One minor annoyance with dict.setdefault is that it always evaluates its second argument (when given, of course), even when the first argument is already a key in the dictionary.

For example:

import random
def noisy_default():
    ret = random.randint(0, 10000000)
    print 'noisy_default: returning %d' % ret
    return ret

d = dict()
print d.setdefault(1, noisy_default())
print d.setdefault(1, noisy_default())

This produces ouptut like the following:

noisy_default: returning 4063267
noisy_default: returning 628989

As the last line confirms, the second execution of noisy_default is unnecessary, since by this point the key 1 is already present in d (with value 4063267).

Is it possible to implement a subclass of dict whose setdefault method evaluates its second argument lazily?


Below is an implementation inspired by BrenBarn's comment and Pavel Anossov's answer. While at it, I went ahead and implemented a lazy version of get as well, since the underlying idea is essentially the same.

class LazyDict(dict):
    def get(self, key, thunk=None):
        return (self[key] if key in self else
                thunk() if callable(thunk) else

    def setdefault(self, key, thunk=None):
        return (self[key] if key in self else
                dict.setdefault(self, key,
                                thunk() if callable(thunk) else

Now, the snippet

d = LazyDict()
print d.setdefault(1, noisy_default)
print d.setdefault(1, noisy_default)

produces output like this:

noisy_default: returning 5025427

Notice that the second argument to d.setdefault above is now a callable, not a function call.

When the second argument to LazyDict.get or LazyDict.setdefault is not a callable, they behave the same way as the corresponding dict methods.

If one wants to pass a callable as the default value itself (i.e., not meant to be called), or if the callable to be called requires arguments, prepend lambda: to the appropriate argument. E.g.:

d1.setdefault('div', lambda: div_callback)

d2.setdefault('foo', lambda: bar('frobozz'))

Those who don't like the idea of overriding get and setdefault, and/or the resulting need to test for callability, etc., can use this version instead:

class LazyButHonestDict(dict):
    def lazyget(self, key, thunk=lambda: None):
        return self[key] if key in self else thunk()

    def lazysetdefault(self, key, thunk=lambda: None):
        return (self[key] if key in self else
                self.setdefault(key, thunk()))


  • No, evaluation of arguments happens before the call. You can implement a setdefault-like function that takes a callable as its second argument and calls it only if it is needed.