I have three face meshes (person A neutral face and expression face and person B neutral face). I'm trying to create a new face mesh by using this simple transformation method
*y’_i = y_i + x’_i – x_i* where
*y_i* is person B neutral face vertices
*x’_i* is person A expression face vertices and
*x_i* is person B expression face vertices.
To do this vertices should be correspondence. For example the left eye corner of person B corresponds to left eye corner of person A. I also have x,y,z coordinates of 26 landmarks points of each face. How to build this correspondence relationship among two meshes?
There is no "quick" answer to this question as it is a very deep problem. You might want to look at this book: http://books.google.com/books?id=SKTFw38ZS0UC - even if you just browse it online you will understand this is not a simple question with a simple answer.