I'm trying to have a correct vim configuration with pathogen. In particular, I installed solarized in the bundle folder with the recommanded way :
$ cd vim-colors-solarized/colors
$ mv solarized.vim ~/.vim/colors/
So, I can use the good color theme, and I have the solarized documentation. However, the small script give with solarized togglebg don't work. It don't map correctly, and I can't call it from the command line. But I don't see what is wrong.
Here is my organization of my bundle folder :
- Bundle
- vim-colors-solarized
- autoload
- tooglebg.vim #(The problematic script)
- doc
- solarized.txt
- colors
- solarized.vim
Has a vim expert a solution to why the script is not load ?
As the script is in the autoload
folder, nothing will be defined by default (only stuff in the plugin
folder is automaticaly sourced). As described in the documentation, you need to explicitly define a mapping:
call togglebg#map("<F5>")
or you could move the script to the plugin